Organize or hide your messy wires with these 7 home hacks

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Because we live in a technology-centric society, wires and cords have becomes part of our daily lives. Whether they're meant to power your TV or charge your phone, you probably find yourself dealing with cords constantly. Unfortunately, their presence often causes problems.
Do you need a way to hide those unsightly wires and cords that are lying all over your house? Are your charger cords constantly tangling with the other cords around them? Have you purchased multiple chargers because they keep disappearing? If you've experienced any of these issues, look no further. We've got some tips to help you out.
1. Notebook coil (h/t OneCrazyHouse)
If you have an old notebook with a spiral coil, remove the coil. Gather up the wires that are causing you problems and feed them through the coil. Now your wires won't get tangled up or lost.
2. Charging station (h/t Two Loose Teeth)
Instead of having chargers lying all over the house, create a charging station. Find a box you like and cut enough holes for all of your chargers, plus one for the power strip cord. Keep the power strip in the box, plug in your chargers and stick the end of the charger cords out of the holes. When you need to charge your phone, laptop or any other piece of technology, just plug it in and leave it to charge.
3. Binder clips
Sometimes your biggest problem is your inability to find your charger when you need it. This often happens because the cord slides off of your desk or table as soon as you unplug your device. To keep your cords in place when they're not in use, anchor them with a binder clip. The size of binder clip you use is up to you, but will likely depend on the size of cord you're trying to hold in place.
Cooktop Cove
4. Color-coded labels (h/t Instructables)
If you have a power strip with several cords plugged in, then you've probably faced the situation of trying to follow one cord to figure out what it's powering. Keep your various cords organized and easy to identify with color-coded labels.
5. Hanging organizer (h/t HomeDIT)
For those of you who don't have extra space on your table or desk, the last thing you want is a bunch of charger cords lying all over it. A quick solution to this problem is to punch some holes in a piece or foam rubber and attach it to the side of your table or desk. Feed your charger cords through the holes and they'll stay organized, untangled and out of the way.
6. Socks
Maybe DIY projects aren't your thing and you're looking for an extremely easy way to prevent your cords from tangling. If this is the case, grab a stretchy sock that's no longer worn by anyone in your house. Cut the toe off the sock and slip it over your cords. Now they'll all stay together but won't get tangled.
7. Yarn (h/t Brit + Co)
On the other hand, maybe you're looking for a super crafty way to hide your cords. If you want a fun project, grab your favorite colors of yarn or embroidery thread and start wrapping or knotting your way around your cord. Be warned, though, this one might take awhile, depending on the length of your charger cord.
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