Cooktop Cove: All the secrets to grill a Rib Eye steak to perfection by the BBQ Pit Boys
By Chris Ternate
Although a steak can be cooked in an oven or on the stovetop, there's something uniquely satisfying about cooking a steak on the grill. Grilling a steak over charcoal not only gives it a signature flavor that's hard to beat, but also provides a form of relaxation. Best of all, though it requires your attention, grilling a steak to perfection (or any desired level of cooking) is easy to learn.
Making use of a cast iron skillet, this ribeye steak is cooked to perfection when combined with a little bit of attention and a few vegetables, like the famous grilling experts, the BBQ Pit Boys, do in this recipe
For this steak, start out with a rib eye cut that has plenty of marbling. Season it with salt and pepper on both sides and be sure to rub it in.
Next slice up a whole onion.
Over the charcoal on the grill, place your cast iron skillet. Add a dab of butter and then add your onion. You could also add another vegetable like bell peppers for a bit of color.
Next, slice up a tomato for a sweet and juicy addition to use later.
Grill the steaks over the charcoal first before (for your desired level of cooking) before moving them to the opposite side away from the charcoal. You'll then place the lid over the steaks for a minute or so before flipping them and repeating the process to get them nice and juicy.
Place your skillet back over the charcoal, adding to it green onion and garlic along with a little more butter. 
Add the steak to the skillet along with the onions and let your ribeye soak in all the flavor from the butter, green onion and garlic. 
When it's finished, let it cool for a few seconds and then slice it up and enjoy! You can find a video of the recipe right below!
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