Cooktop Cove: Bid basic burgers 'bye-bye!' and bask in the glory of 'stuffed donut burgers'
By Kayla Dalsfoist
Say what you will about hot dogs, but we all know burgers are the obvious choice when it comes to backyard barbecue cuisine. If you're not convinced — even after following The Burger Lab's bible to the letter — the BBQ Pit Boys present a strong argument in the form of "stuffed donut burgers."
Rather than pile the toppings of your choice onto your patties in a precarious stack, this unique configuration of ingredients allows you to stuff the center of each patty with whatever strikes your fancy. This recipe is perfect for the creative grillmasters out there and gives your guests a truly customizable meal, but we have a few suggestions on how to make sure each of your burgers is a masterpiece.
To begin, lay out all your potential stuffings. The choices here vary dramatically — they have mushrooms, bread stuffing (like the kind you consume mass quantities of on Thanksgiving), ham, chicken, potatoes, onions, bean chili, beef teriyaki, hot dogs, cheese, sausage, bacon, eggs, etc.
Next, get to work on your patties. Roll your seasoned beef into half-pound meatballs.
Flatten them out — but not too flat. No one likes a paper-thin patty.
Then, use a Mason jar as a makeshift cookie cutter, creating a nice hole right in the center.
Fry the patties on a cast-iron skillet and listen to that gorgeous sizzling sound. Flip after a couple minutes, making sure not to cook them all the way through.
After flipping the patties, place your favorite stuffing in the hole. The only thing standing in the way of making the burger of your dreams is your imagination.
Go forth and add as many toppings as your heart desires!
Place the lid back on the barbecue for a couple minutes to ensure everything is cooked and melted to your preference.
Next, assemble your burger. You can opt for a single patty or double up, and don't be afraid to play with flavor combinations.
Are you ready to blow people's minds at your next barbecue? For a full step-by-step tutorial, be sure to check out the video below. Don't forget to SHARE this recipe with other grillmasters!
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