Cooktop Cove: Corned beef in a slow cooker cooked for 12 hours makes a meal you'll love
By Cate Misczuk
This corned beef recipe is the definition of low and slow cooking. With just a handful of ingredients and a lot of time to eat up, you can create this classic dish that when ready to serve will just fall apart on your plate. Plus, you're going to top this savory meat off with some tangy mustard sauce for an incredible flavor combination.
While we do suggest cooking this corned beef low and slow - for 12 to 24 hours - you can also whip it up in the morning before work, crank the heat high, and it should be ready by the time you get home.
Getting started:
1. Place your silverside, carrots, onions, and water in the slow cooker. Turn the heat down low and cook it low and slow for 12-24 hours, or crank it up high for 7-10 hours.
2. For your mustard sauce, mix water, flour, sugar, butter and dry mustard. Bring it up to a boil, then take it off the heat and beat in your already well-beaten egg - then beat in your vinegar.
You can make this sauce ahead of time and set it aside, but it's also easy enough to whip it up when you're ready to serve.
3. Serve your corned beef on a nice big plate, and smother it in your mustard sauce. On the side, serve some steamed green beans tossed in butter, and some potatoes boiled in sea salt for a classic meal.
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