Cooktop Cove: Conditioner isn't just used for the shower. Here are 11 other uses
By Jacinta M. Carter
When it comes to washing their hair, most people rely on shampoo and conditioner, often bought in pairs of their favorite brands. But the two bottles never seem to empty at the same rate, leaving you with a partially filled bottle of conditioner after you've thrown the empty shampoo bottle away. Do you buy the shampoo alone next time, leaving the bottles mismatched, or is it best to always buy these items together? And if you buy both, what are you supposed to do with the leftover conditioner?
Surprisingly, you can use hair conditioner for so much more than just making your hair silky smooth. It can be added to your laundry routine, help with various skin care regimens and even contribute to household chores. The following list merely scratches the surface of the tasks conditioner is capable of performing.
1. Wash delicates
Do you have a favorite shirt but rarely wear it because dry cleaning is too expensive? You no longer have to keep certain clothes safely tucked away in your closet. By mixing a tablespoon of hair conditioner with a sink full of water, you can wash everything from silk dress shirts to fancy lingerie.
2. Replace your fabric softener
If you like the way your clothes feel when you use fabric softener, but you don’t want to spend money on the biggest brand names, you can replace your expensive brand with cheap conditioner. You can use this mixture of conditioner, water and vinegar in up to 40 loads, each one resulting in the same level of softness you expect from the big-name products.
3. Stretch a shrunken shirt
Did someone accidentally throw your favorite shirt in the dryer, causing it to shrink beyond a size you’re comfortable wearing? Before you throw it away or pass it off as a hand-me-down, try this cold-water-and-conditioner hack to stretch the shirt back to its original size. While this might take some extra time, it will be worth it to have your favorite shirt back.
4. Protect leather boots
The winter months are difficult for footwear in general, but leather boots seem to take a particularly hard beating. Fortunately, cheap hair conditioner contains just enough wax to make it incredibly effective at making an old pair of boots shine like new.
5. Remove temporary tattoos
Temporary tattoos are always fun, at least for the first day. After that, they start to peel and end up looking like you have a patch of dirt covering a section of your skin. While soap and water can remove fake tattoos, they don’t do it gently. Replacing soap with hair conditioner will allow you to quickly remove the tattoo without irritating your skin.
6. Remove makeup
Some people might hesitate to use conditioner as a makeup remover, especially when it comes to their eye makeup. Have no fear. As long as you use just a small dollop of conditioner and make sure you use it only around your eyes (don’t let it get in your eyes!), you won’t have to worry about any irritation or stinging.
7. Soften your cuticles
Manicures are always fun, but they also require some work. To save yourself some time and help protect your fingernails, use hair conditioner to moisturize your cuticles. This will help soften them, making them easier to push back.
8. Shave without irritation
No one enjoys shaving. It takes too long, the hair grows back too quickly, and you spend the time in between dealing with irritated skin. Many people have found, however, that replacing shaving cream with hair conditioner results in a smoother shave and little to no irritation in the days following.
9. Prevent rust
One reason we use conditioner in our hair is to give it a protective coat to help avoid breakage. Did you know that this protection can extend to more than just your hair? Take advantage of this protective coating by using conditioner on household items that are in danger of rusting.
10. Unclog drains
While it’s probably your hair clogging the shower drain in the first place, you can make it up to your pipes by squirting a little conditioner down the drain. After letting it sit on the clog for a few minutes, run hot water down the drain. The conditioner, mixed with the hot water, will act as a lubricant and flush out the blockage.
11. Add shine to houseplants
If the plants around your house are beginning to lose their shine, there’s a simple remedy that will have them looking as good as new in a matter of minutes. All you have to do is use a banana peel to remove the dust from the plants, follow up with a drop of conditioner on each leaf, and then complete the process by rubbing a little mayonnaise onto each leaf. After you wipe the excess off the leaves, your plants will be ready to be admired by anyone who passes by.
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