Cooktop Cove: 7 essential tips for cleaning a mattress
By Angela Brown
Fess up. When is the last time you properly cleaned your mattress? If you're busy with work, family, school, and friends, it's probably been a while. Or maybe it hasn't and you just want to know how to clean it better and/or faster.
According to Consumer Reports, you spend about 1/3 of your entire life zonked out on your mattress of choice. That means there's a lot of time for bodily fluids, germs, and skin cells to collect on the surface. Cleaning your mattress at least twice a year is a good way to ensure you're not sleeping in funkiness, and it can help your mattress last longer.
But, if you're going to clean it: do it the right way. Here are a few tips to make sure your mattress gets the best clean possible:
1. Vacuum your mattress
After removing all of your bedding, use the thin attachment on your vacuum to thoroughly vacuum your entire mattress. If your mattress can be flipped, you'll want to do both sides. Don't forget the edges.
2. Clean dirty spots
If you have a pet or a potty-training kid, you may have some unpleasant spotting on your mattress. Spot clean your mattress to remove the icky stuff. Apartment Therapy recommends treating protein-based stains (of the bodily fluid variety) with a mixture of peroxide, liquid dish soap, and baking soda.
3. Heavy staining
If you aren't happy with your initial stain removal success, try applying a paste made from lemon juice and salt to the stains. Let the mixture stand for about 60 minutes before wiping the salt away.
4. Help your mattress smell nice:
Remove any odors from your mattress by treating with baking soda. Consumer Reports suggests sprinkling baking soda over the entire surface of your mattress and then letting it set in front of an open window (with sunlight pouring in) for 24-hours. If you let it set this long, you'll obviously need to figure out alternative sleeping arrangements, then use the vacuum to remove the baking soda.
*Bonus tip: Apply the baking soda to your mattress using a sifter. This makes it easier to get an even coat.
5. Rotate/Flip
If your mattress is flip-able, you should flip your mattress now. If not, you can rotate it so that the head and foot places are switched. This will help even out of the wear and tear of the mattress.
6. Schedule regular cleaning
Aim to vacuum your mattress once a month or so to remove skin cells and dust mites. Plus, it'll make your semi-annual cleaning job a bit easier too!
7. Cover your mattress
After you've finished your cleaning, consider adding a mattress cover to keep your mattress safe. As an added bonus, mattress covers are easy to clean so you can wash them regularly to remove allergens from the bedroom.
Make sure your friends and family have a clean place to sleep too! Share these tips with them on Facebook.
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