Cooktop Cove: Chili cheese hot dog casserole recipe
By Jessica Jacobs
This oh-so-easy recipe is really as simple as it comes. It basically utilizes all of the ingredients of a traditional chili dog, yet adapts it effortlessly for the casserole dish, combining hot dog buns, hot dogs, sweet red onions, sharp mustard, chili and cheddar cheese to create the dinner casserole that you've been dreaming of! Ready and on the dinner table in a mere 40 minutes, this dinner delight will knock you off your feet!
Chili Cheese Hot Dog Casserole
15 minutes
45 minutes
1 hour
10 hot dog buns, torn into roughly 2-inch pieces
10 hot dogs, sliced lengthwise
14-ounce can of chili (or 2 cups of homemade chili)
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1 red onion, sliced
8 ounces grated cheddar cheese
4 green onions (spring onions), chopped
1/2 cup sour cream, to serve
Lightly grease the bottom of a 3-quart casserole dish. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Place hot dog buns in a casserole dish, covering the bottom of the dish entirely.
Evenly spread hot dogs over the buns, and then spoon the chili over the top. Spread Dijon mustard over the chili.
Place the sliced red onions over the chili, and finish with the grated cheddar cheese. Place in the oven, covered, for 30 minutes.
Remove from the oven. Serve immediately with a sprinkling of the freshly chopped green onions and a spoonful of sour cream.
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