Cleaning is hardly at the top of anyone's favorite things, but it is a necessary part of life. In today's busy world, people have less and less time to devote to cleaning.
But people also have technology that brings us amazing ideas from all over the world. These nine cleaning hacks will save you time and help you tidy up those difficult-to-clean areas in your home. You'll be amazed at the results.
1. Clean walls and tall doors without a ladder
You don't need mess buckets, towels and ladders to clean the walls or tall doors. A microfiber pad on the end of a dusting mop will easily erase dirt and grime. Just spray walls well with your favorite cleaning solution and wipe down with your mop. You can even clean the ceiling with this handy method.

Cooktop Cove
2. Keep your toilet brush ready to use (h/t Smart School House)
If you have ever looked in the bottom of your toilet brush holder, you may have been horrified to see a bit of grime in there. You can prevent this and speed up cleaning by pouring Pine Sol or a favorite disinfecting cleaner into the toilet brush holder. You can quickly clean the toilet bowl at any time.
3. Soak stover burners overnight
Baked on food and grease is a nightmare to scrub off of stovetop burners and burner pans. This trick allows you to simply wipe them clean. Place them in a plastic zip bag with clear ammonia and allow to rest overnight. In the morning, take them out and wipe clean. A quick rinse and they will look like new again.

Cooktop Cove
4. Erase the grime from your oven door
The hardest part to clean in your oven is often the glass door. Once food and grease has baked onto the tempered glass, it can seem like it is simply never coming off. The solution is a simple one. Erase it with a slightly dampened Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. It might take a bit of work, but the brown residue should scrub right off.

Cooktop Cove
5. Protect a glass stovetop
Prevent the need to scrub by stopping foods from sticking to a glass stovetop in the first place. A layer of car wax will act as a barrier between spills and splatters and the delicate glass stovetop surface. Most grime will just wipe right off.

Cooktop Cove
6. Clean baseboards without bending over
You don't need to get on your hands and knees to dust baseboards. All you need to do is rubber band a microfiber cloth to a stiff broom. Apply a generous amount of dusting spray and wipe down baseboards – both bottom and top – with ease.

Cooktop Cove
7. Brighten grout without scrubbing (h/t Rad + The Rest)
Don't spend all day scrubbing grout lines just to be disappointed when they still look dingy. You can bleach them clean with little to no mess using bleach gel. Just let it do its job for about 15 minutes and mop up. Badly stained grout spots may need a quick brushing with an old toothbrush.
8. Clean the showerhead overnight
Let the power of vinegar do all the work for you with this easy overnight tip. Clean the mineral deposits and lime buildup from your showerhead by soaking it overnight in vinegar. The secret is to place the rubber band over the showerhead before putting on the baggie of vinegar. Then bring the band down over the plastic to secure.

Cooktop Cove
9. Speed up dusting with a pair of tongs
Dusting blinds can take forever. Wiping each individual slat just doesn't seem efficient. Speed the process up by attaching two microfiber cloths to a pair of kitchen tongs. It makes cleaning so fun, you might be able talk your children into joining in on cleaning the blinds!

Cooktop Cove