8 things you can do with a dryer sheet

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Dryer sheets obviously belong in your laundry room. Their main use, after all, is to be tossed into the dryer with a pile of clothes. But there are so many other ways to use dryer sheets!
You've probably heard the usual things you can do with dryer sheets: cleaning burnt pans, cleaning up spills, cleaning TV screens, etc. But cleaning and laundry and merely the beginning of the list of reasons to always keep a box of dryer sheets on hand.
1. Static reduction
If you have enough hair to need a comb, then you've likely dealt with static in your hair. While you can sometimes wet your hair a little to deal with static, you aren't always in a situation where you have that option. Instead, you can rub a dryer sheet over your hair to quickly remove static.
2. Scissors sharpening
The more often you use scissors, the duller the blades will become. Obvious, right? But a lesser-known fact is how to easily you can sharpen the blades of your scissors. Get a new dryer sheet and cut it up for a little while. The slightly abrasive texture of the dryer sheet will help sharpen the scissors.
3. Bug removal
No matter how often you wash your car, you're going to end up with dead bugs splattered on the windshield and front grill after every drive. You could let them just accumulate until the next time you wash the car or you could quickly remove them before the car is covered. Just grab a dryer sheet and scrub off the bugs.
4. Pet hair removal
If you have a pet that tends to shed all over the house, then you know the struggle of having to lint roll everything you're wearing before you can leave the house. And having to constantly pick hair off of the furniture when guests are coming over. But a quicker way to get rid of shed pet hair is to just wipe it up with a dryer sheet. The hair will cling to the dryer sheet, making it easier to clean up and less likely to fall off and shed elsewhere on your way to the trash.
5. Linen freshener
When it's time to switch out the winter bedding for the lighter, summer sheets, don't just shove your heavy sheets and comforters into a closet and forget about them. After you've washed and folded them, stick a dryer sheet into the folds of your bedding before putting them into storage. When you take them back out next winter, they'll smell fresh and ready to use.
6. General odor removal
Sometimes your house stinks. It's sad, but it's true. Summer heat, pets, kids, cooking or any number of things could contribute to the smell, but there is one great way to fight off those odors. Stick a dryer sheet or two on the back of a box fan and turn it on. The fan will blow the scent of the dryer sheet into the room to overpower the bad odors.
7. Bathroom odor removal
If the gross smells are confined to your bathroom, just take your dryer sheet in there. Tuck it into your toilet paper roll and with every spin of the roll, a nice, fresh smell will release into the room.
8. Crayon removal
Those of you with kids have probably dealt with crayon murals on the walls at some point. There are multiple ways to clean off the crayon marks, but dryer sheets are by far the easiest method. All you have to do is rub a dryer sheet over the crayon marks and they'll come right off.
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