So, you’ve done the hard work and made a delicious beef brisket. You could just put some slices on a bun and call it quits, or … you could make the Southern beef brisket sandwich that turns recipes into legends. What's the magic that turns out the perfect brisket sandwich? The right bread? The right sauce? The right pickle? All of the above? The choice is yours. You can spend years trying different variations, testing and pondering, OR you can follow the recipe below and feel the elation of seeing the last mouthwatering morsel disappear in minutes.
Prepare your taste buds for the perfect balance of slight spice and cool tang from the super-simple sour cream sauce, crisp acidity from the pickle, sweet, salt, and savory from the barbecue brisket, all on a toasted buttery bun. This is the sandwich that will make you forget all about your coleslaw and ensure you won’t have leftovers!

Cooktop Cove