Just like peanut butter and chocolate, or cinnamon and sugar, cheddar cheese and broccoli is one of those classic combinations that is always a crowd pleaser. This creative and delicious recipe takes those timeless flavors, and stuffs them inside a moist chicken breast, for a dinner that everyone will be talking about the next day! The juiciness of the chicken comes from first pan-searing the breast, and then transferring it to the oven to finish cooking.
Despite looking fancy enough to please even the most high-brow dinner guests, this recipe could not be simpler! A slit is cut in each individual chicken breast, and the pocket is filled with oozy cheddar cheese and tiny pieces of fresh broccoli. What a way to get your protein, dairy and vegetable servings — all in the same meal! Your kids will be begging for another piece, so why not sneak another vegetable or two in there too?!

Cooktop Cove