As an adult with all kinds of responsibilities, it can be a challenge to set aside time to meal prep or to whip something up fresh every single night. Unless you're an organization wizard, odds are you sometimes find yourself home at the end of a long day, hungry and exhausted. It’s so easy to forget that everything necessary to make a delicious, hearty meal lies in the pantry we so often gaze at, thinking "I have nothing to eat."
This dish, for instance, makes use of polenta you bought for a recipe once and never used again. It also gives the spice rack a workout and uses up all of those beans that seem to collect with the best of intentions whenever they go on sale. The result looks like it took days of planning to execute, but in fact takes just over an hour, and it tastes like a satisfying day of completing adult responsibilities, such as filing your taxes and eating your vegetables.

Cooktop Cove