Beef and horseradish are a classic flavor combination for good reason. The sharp bite of the horseradish balances the rich meatiness of the beef, bringing perfect flavor harmony to the dish. In this recipe, you'll slather a pot roast with horseradish and then slow cook it, along with onions and mushrooms, to tender perfection.
If you like, you can make a quick gravy with the drippings in the pan by transferring the drippings to a skillet or saucepan and whisking in about ¼ cup of flour. Cook the flour and drippings together, whisking constantly, until the mixture darkens and begins to smell nutty. Next, add 3 or 4 cups of beef stock while continuing to whisk. Cook until the mixture thickens, about 5 minutes, and then season to taste with salt and pepper.

Cooktop Cove