Have you ever made a pie in the blender? A crust, maybe, crushing graham crackers and mixing them with melted butter, but an entire pie filling? This pie is so simple, you don’t even need to juice the lemon you use. Just throw the entire thing — minus the seed — into the blender! Honestly, it couldn’t be easier. If you’re in a pinch and don’t know what dessert to bring to a party or serve at the end of one, this slice of sunshine basically makes itself, and tastes like a warm Arizona day.
To make sure your pie is perfectly sweet, start by adding just one cup of sugar, then taste the result to see if you need a little more sweetness. It will depend on the lemon you use and your own personal preference. The whipping cream is a lovely touch for serving, but not strictly-speaking necessary. You could also garnish the pie with some fresh berries or preserved lemon slices.

Cooktop Cove