This recipe is so good, even my kids scrape their plates clean afterwards

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As a busy mom juggling multiple responsibilities, finding delicious and time-saving recipes is a constant pursuit. One such recipe that has become a staple in my kitchen is a comforting dish made with frozen diced hash brown potatoes. This versatile and satisfying meal has brought smiles to my kids' faces and provided much-needed nourishment for my family.
I still remember the first time I stumbled upon this recipe during a hectic week when I needed something quick yet satisfying for dinner. With a bag of frozen potatoes and other pantry staples, I embarked on a culinary adventure.
As the ingredients melded together in the slow cooker, filling the air with enticing aromas, my kids eagerly awaited the outcome. The moment they took their first bite, their eyes lit up with joy, and I knew this dish had become a new family favorite. Since then, it has become a go-to meal for busy evenings, providing a warm and comforting experience for my loved ones.
Slow Cook Creamy Cheesy Potatoes
1 bag of frozen diced potatoes for hash browns (32 ounces)
1 small onion, chopped
1 cup of sour cream
1 can of condensed chicken soup (10.5 ounces)
4 tablespoons of melted butter
½ teaspoon of garlic powder
Salt and pepper to taste
2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese
Pro Tip: You can use French onion dip instead of sour cream and onion!
1. Place the frozen diced potatoes, finely chopped onion, sour cream, condensed chicken soup, melted butter, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese in the slow cooker. Stir until well combined.
2. Set the slow cooker to high heat and cook for 4 hours.
3. Once done, sprinkle the remaining shredded cheddar cheese on top and continue cooking on high for another 15 minutes.
4. Serve!
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