My man is obsessed to this recipe. We finish eating 1 helping and he speedily orders another helping

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Picture this: It's a cozy Sunday afternoon, and you find yourself craving a comforting yet flavorful dish to prepare for your loved ones. You open your recipe box, flick through the well-worn cards and handwritten notes, and you come across a hidden gem - Creamy Chicken Florentine Artichoke Casserole.
This recipe holds a special place in your heart, as it reminds you of the first time you cooked it for a small gathering of friends. The aroma that filled your home, the delighted expressions on their faces, and the conversation that flowed effortlessly throughout the meal made that evening truly unforgettable. This dish is more than just a recipe; it's a collection of cherished memories that brings loved ones together around the table.
Recipe: Creamy Chicken Florentine Artichoke Casserole
Creamy Chicken Florentine Artichoke Casserole
3 cups cooked shredded chicken
10 oz frozen artichoke hearts, thawed and coarsely chopped
16 oz baby spinach
1/2 sliced white onion
3 cloves chopped garlic
4 tbsp unsalted butter
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 cups warm milk
2 tsp Italian seasoning
2 cups grated Monterey Jack cheese
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tbsp olive oil
Tip: If you want something carber, feel free to add 8 oz of pasta of your choice. Cook based on package instructions and add into chicken and sauce mixture below.
1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a 9x13 inch casserole dish.
2. Sauté onion and garlic in olive oil until onion is translucent.
3. Add spinach and artichoke hearts, cook until spinach wilts. Remove and set aside.
4. In the same pan, melt butter and whisk in flour to form a roux.
5. Gradually add warm milk, whisk until sauce thickens and becomes creamy.
6. Stir in Italian seasoning and Monterey Jack cheese. Season with salt and pepper.
7. In the casserole dish, layer half of the chicken and pour half of the sauce over it. Repeat with the remaining chicken and sauce.
8. Top with grated Parmesan cheese.
9. Bake for 30 minutes until bubbly and golden brown.
10. Let it cool slightly before serving.
Every bite of this Creamy Chicken Florentine Artichoke Casserole is a comforting embrace that transports you to a place of warmth and joy. The delectable combination of tender chicken, vibrant spinach, tangy artichoke hearts, and velvety cream sauce will leave your taste buds dancing with delight. So, save this recipe, gather your loved ones, and create your own cherished memories around the table with this irresistible casserole.
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