This is called "Bunny Bait" and it'll sure bring the Easter Bunny out this year!

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As the soft green of new leaves starts peeking out and the chill of winter's breath finally begins to wane, Easter comes hopping 'round the corner. It's a time for new beginnings and gathering with family, continuing the traditions that weave through our lives like delicate lace. One such tradition that tickles the fancy of my grandkiddos is crafting a delightful nibble known as Easter Bunny Bait. This playful treat, reminiscent of a pasture sprinkled with spring flowers, is the perfect way to lure that hoppy ol' bunny right to your door – or so the young'uns believe. With its roots in simple Midwest snack mixes, this treat has evolved into a colorful Easter classic you can share with loved ones or set out as a festive nibble while celebrating the season.
Now, I reckon Easter Bunny Bait can stand mighty fine on its own, but if you're wanting something to pair with it, try setting it alongside a fresh fruit salad or cups of pastel-colored sherbet to keep with the Easter theme. If serving it up to folks gatherin’ at your homestead for the Easter festivities, a pot of strong coffee and some lightly sweetened iced tea would complement this sweet treat right nicely.
Easter Bunny Bait
Servings: This recipe yields about 10 servings, give or take, depending on how generous you are with your handfuls.
- 4 cups rice Chex cereal
- 2 cups Easter M&M's (pick the prettiest pastel ones)
- 1 bag of white chocolate chips (about 12 oz.)
- A sprinkle of sea salt, to taste
- Optional: 1 cup pretzel sticks, broken into pieces for a salty twist
- Optional: Pastel-colored sprinkles for extra whimsy
1. Carefully spread your rice Chex in a thin layer on a large baking sheet. Ain't no need to grease it; this mix will be just fine as is.
2. In a doublе boiler or a microwave, gently melt those white chocolate chips until they're smooth as a calm lake at dawn. If you're using the microwave for ease, just be sure to stir every 30 seconds to prevent any scorchin'.
3. Now, artistically drizzle that melted white chocolate over the Chex, making sure each piece gets a decent amount of coverage. It's the glue that holds our bait together.
4. Before that white chocolate starts setting, liberally sprinkle on your pretty Easter M&M's, the pretzel bits if you're using 'em, a touch of sea salt, and those sprinkles if you'd like an extra dash of color.
5. Let your concoction sit until the chocolate hardens. I like to pop mine into the fridge to set it quicker, but if your kitchen is cool, it'll set up just fine on the counter.
6. Once the chocolate's set, break your Easter Bunny Bait into chunks and serve it forth for all to enjoy.
Variations & Tips
- Feel free to switch things up if you fancy - different cereals like Corn Chex or even wheat Chex can be mighty tasty, too.
- If allergies are a concern, swap the white chocolate for a dairy-free alternative and pick candy that fits dietary needs.
- To keep your Bunny Bait from turning into a sticky mess, especially on a warmer spring day, store it in a cool place until it’s time to nibble.
- For a bit of extra indulgence, you can mix in a handful of miniature marshmallows after the white chocolate has cooled just a smidgeon; adds a cloud-like sweetness right into the mix.
With a recipe like this, Easter's sure to be filled with laughter, joy, and perhaps a little magic, too. Happy Easter, y'all!
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