Cooktop Cove: Yummy in my tummy! This is the only way my hubby likes his shrimp!
By Holly Owens
Slow Cooker BBQ Shrimp is a savory, mouth-watering dish that combines the sweetness and tang of barbecue sauce with the succulent texture of shrimp. It's a versatile meal, perfect for those who want a delicious dish without spending hours in the kitchen. The origins of barbecue shrimp can be traced back to the southern United States, particularly the coastal regions like Louisiana, where seafood is a staple and barbecue sauce is a beloved ingredient. When prepared in a slow cooker, the shrimp take on the flavors of the barbecue sauce, resulting in a dish that's both effortless and flavorful, fit for a casual family dinner or a social gathering.
When serving Slow Cooker BBQ Shrimp, you have a plethora of options that can complement the dish and complete the meal. A classic side is creamy, buttery grits or a fluffy, steamed white rice that can absorb the sauce and balance the meal. For a healthier twist, you might opt for a fresh green salad or a side of steamed vegetables like green beans or broccoli. If you prefer a touch of carbs, cornbread or garlic bread can make delightful additions, perfect for sopping up any extra barbecue sauce. No matter how you choose to serve it, Slow Cooker BBQ Shrimp is sure to be a hit.
Recipe: Slow Cooker BBQ Shrimp
- 1 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined
- 1 cup barbecue sauce (choose your favorite brand or flavor)
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 small onion, finely chopped
- 1/2 lemon, juiced
- 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
- 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Fresh parsley or green onions, chopped, for garnish
1. In the bottom of your slow cooker, combine the minced garlic, chopped onion, barbecue sauce, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper.
2. Gently add the shrimp to the slow cooker, ensuring that they are coated evenly with the sauce mixture.
3. Cover and cook on low heat for 2 hours, or until the shrimp are cooked through and have taken on the flavors of the sauce. Be careful not to overcook the shrimp, as they can become tough.
4. Once done, give the BBQ shrimp a gentle stir to make sure they are all well covered in the sauce.
5. Serve the shrimp hot, garnished with fresh parsley or green onions.
Enjoy your delectable Slow Cooker BBQ Shrimp with your chosen sides for a full, satisfying meal any day of the week.
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