Cooktop Cove: These are so divine! Love how quick they are to make!
By Georgia Lynn
There's a certain kind of magic in starting your day with something hearty and homemade, isn't there? It's tradition served in a dish, rich with care and wholesome goodness. Now, as our understanding of health evolves alongside our cherished practices, the kitchen dances with a balance of both. Today’s recipe harkens back to simple times with a modern twist—Low Carb Egg Bites with bacon and gruyere cheese. Think of the velvety texture of fluffy eggs, coupled with that crisp bacon, all wrapped up in the loving embrace of rich gruyere. Why, it's a bite of morning comfort, without the heaviness that we sometimes look to avoid. These egg bites evolved from French cuisine, simplified for an on-the-go breakfast or a quaint brunch in our Midwest kitchen gardens. Whether you're watching your carbs or simply crave a little something savory, these egg bites are a splendid choice any day of the week.
Now, these little darlings are quite delightful on their own, but pairing them with a freshly dressed side of greens can brighten up your plate and complement the richness. A cup of hot coffee or tea, and perhaps a spoonful of garden-fresh salsa or a light drizzle of hollandaise sauce, can elevate this heartwarming meal to a celebration of new traditions mingled with the old.
Low Carb Egg Bites
Servings: Makes about 6 servings, with two egg bites each
- 8 large eggs
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- 1 cup gruyere cheese, freshly grated
- 6 strips of bacon, cooked crisp and crumbled
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Non-stick cooking spray or butter for greasing
- Fresh chives, finely chopped (optional, for garnish)
1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) and ready a muffin tin by greasing it lightly with your non-stick spray or a dab of butter.
2. Whisk together the eggs and heavy cream in a large mixing bowl until it's all smooth and lovesome.
3. Fold in your crumbled bacon and a cup of that nutty gruyere cheese, then season with a little salt and pepper.
4. Carefully ladle the mixture into the muffin tin cups, filling them just shy of the top.
5. Pop them in the oven and bake until they puff up and are just lightly golden on top, about 15 to 20 minutes.
6. Let these savory treats cool for a minute or two, then, with the gentle help of a knife, ease them out onto a warm plate.
Variations & Tips:
Should you find yourself in a peck of a pickle with no gruyere, a sharp cheddar or a bit of Swiss can stand in just fine. For the greener folk, swaying towards vegetables, chopped spinach or diced bell peppers mingle right well with egg, adding both color and nutrition. Now, if you're looking after your sodium, go easy on the salt or let the cheese and bacon do the talking. And remember, these egg bites keep well in the refrigerator for a few days and reheat gently in the microwave – perfect for those early rises or quick midday nibbles.
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