Cooktop Cove: I could eat this anytime of the day - for breakfast, lunch, or dinner!
By Morgan Reed
Embarking upon a culinary adventure need not always be a grand affair. Sometimes, the simplest ideas can be transformed into delectable dishes that surprise our taste buds while accommodating our lifestyle needs. Let's take, for instance, the ever-so-humble zucchini transformed into mouth-watering pizza bites using an air fryer. This clever culinary twist on traditional pizza allows health-conscious food lovers to indulge without the carb-loaded guilt. Blending the Italian love affair with a slice and the modern kitchen technology, one can achieve what many food enthusiasts might consider a gustatory delight: a low-carb, high-flavor treat. Perfect for those counting carbs, seeking gluten-free options, or simply wanting to incorporate more vegetables into their diets, these Low Carb Air Fryer Zucchini Pizza Bites are a testament to ingenuity in the kitchen.
Pair these zucchini pizza bites with a fresh garden salad dressed in a light vinaigrette or a cup of gazpacho for a refreshing meal. If you're looking to keep all components low in carbohydrates, opt for a kale Caesar salad sans croutons. These bites can also be served alongside a platter of Italian antipasti - think olives, cured meats, and a variety of cheeses - to keep the theme consistent but varied in textures and flavors.
Low Carb Air Fryer Zucchini Pizza Bites
- 2 medium zucchinis, sliced into 1/2 inch rounds
- 1 cup low-carb pizza or marinara sauce
- 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
- 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
- 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Mini pepperoni slices or cooked Italian sausage crumbles (optional)
- Fresh basil leaves for garnish (optional)
1. Preheat your air fryer to 375°F (190°C) if necessary, according to your air fryer model.
2. Season the zucchini rounds with salt and pepper, and lightly sprinkle with garlic powder and dried oregano.
3. Arrange the zucchini slices in a single layer in the air fryer basket, ensuring they do not overlap for even cooking.
4. Cook for 5-6 minutes or until the zucchini begins to soften.
5. Carefully remove the basket and top each zucchini round with a spoonful of pizza sauce, a generous sprinkle of mozzarella, and a touch of Parmesan cheese.
6. If desired, add mini pepperoni slices or Italian sausage on top of the cheese.
7. Return the basket to the air fryer and cook for an additional 3-4 minutes until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
8. Finish by garnishing with fresh basil leaves for an extra pop of color and flavor just before serving.
Variations & Tips
- For a bit of a kick, add a pinch of red pepper flakes on top of the pizza bites before the final air frying phase.
- Swap out traditional pizza toppings for vegetables like diced bell peppers, mushrooms, or olives to keep it plant-based.
- If you're in a playful mood or serving children, use a cookie cutter to create fun shapes with the zucchini before topping them.
- Feel free to experiment with various types of cheese; a blend of mozzarella and provolone can offer a subtle shift in flavor profiles.
- Remember to not overcrowd your air fryer basket; cooking in batches may be necessary to maintain the integrity of each zucchini pizza bite.
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