Cooktop Cove: This dish is pure comfort heaven! Can eat this nonstop!
By Georgia Lynn
Imagine the fields after harvest, a golden hue blanketing the horizon, and that soft Midwestern breeze whispering tales of hearty meals in cozy farmhouses. In my kitchen, rich aromas blend with memories, especially when I prepare a comforting classic like Chicken a la King. Though its roots may not be entirely Midwestern—it has the elegance of a dish with rumored royal connections, possibly named for a king—the way it warms the soul on a crisp evening is pure heartland. This Slow Cooker Chicken a la King carries the essence of an era when time was spent speaking at the dinner table, not texting. It's for those days when you crave the luxury of a slow-cooked meal but still want the simplicity that lets you tend to your garden while it simmers to perfection.
A dish as timeless as Chicken a la King pairs beautifully with buttery mashed potatoes, sopping up the creamy sauce with each forkful. An accompaniment of fresh green beans almondine or pan-roasted carrots brings color and balance to your plate. And don't forget a fluffy biscuit or a slice of homemade bread, perfect for ensuring not a hint of that delightful gravy goes to waste.
Slow Cooker Chicken a la King
Servings: 6-8
- 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces
- 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 1/2 teaspoon paprika
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 1 small onion, finely chopped
- 1 cup sliced mushrooms
- 1 red bell pepper, chopped
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 2 cups chicken broth
- 1 cup heavy cream
- 1 cup frozen peas
- 1 jar (4 ounces) diced pimentos, drained
- Chopped fresh parsley for garnish
1. In a large bowl, toss the chicken breast pieces with the flour, paprika, salt, and pepper until they're coated evenly.
2. Place the seasoned chicken into the slow cooker and add the chopped onion, mushrooms, bell pepper, and garlic.
3. Pour the chicken broth over the mixture, ensuring that the liquid covers most of the ingredients.
4. Set your slow cooker to low and let it work its magic for 6 hours. The patience will reap rewards, I promise you.
5. After 6 hours, gently stir in the heavy cream, peas, and pimentos and continue to cook for another 30 minutes, just enough time to thicken the sauce and warm everything through.
6. Once it's ready, give it a loving stir, sprinkle with fresh parsley, and let the homely aroma call everyone to the table.
Variations & Tips
- For those watching their dairy intake, you can swap out the heavy cream for a lighter option like half-and-half or even a milk alternative, though you might need to add a cornstarch slurry to achieve the desired thickness.
- Feel free to add variety by including different vegetables such as carrots or celery early on in the cooking process.
- Baking enthusiasts may want to serve this over a split scone for an elegant twist to this rustic dish — a nod to the potential royal origins of Chicken a la King.
- And remember, this recipe is forgiving; slow cooking is meant to be easy like Sunday morning on the porch with a cup of joe and the chirping finches—so let your kitchen adapt to your own family's tastes and enjoy the process.
Copyright 2016 Cooktop Cove