Cooktop Cove: Easy ice cream pops
By Henry Cannon
It's time that ice cream-based desserts are back on the menu. After all, who doesn't love an ice cream cone on a hot summer day? If you're now finding yourself in the mood for a sweet treat, we've got you covered. The recipe below for ice cream pops is perfect for a picnic on a warm weekend day.
We use a combination of classic ice cream flavors of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla, but this recipe can easily be customized to use any ice cream flavor of your choosing. Cookies and cream is also another excellent option. The same applies for the cookie crumb filling. If you want a smores-style ice cream instead, opt to do crushed Graham crackers instead of crushed Oreos.
Easy ice cream pops
20 mins
15 cookies of your choice (Oreos are preferred)
1 quart each of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla ice cream
3 tablespoons of melted butter
~16 popsicle sticks (amount depends on how large you want the pops)
Line 8x8 baking dish with parchment paper. Make sure the edges overflow the dish, so you can easily remove by the end.
Crush cookies into loose crumbs, and spread the mixture at the base of dish. During this time, you'll want to make sure your ice cream is out, so it's soft and easy to spread. Freeze this cookie crumb layer for 15 minutes.
Layer on ~1" of vanilla ice cream and spread out over dish. Then top with chocolate, followed by strawberry on top. If the ice cream is too melted, you'll want to periodically freeze the container for 20 mins or so at a time.
Once you have 3 even layers of ice cream, grab the popsicle sticks. Take one and push into the cake until you hit the crumb layer. Spread the popsicle sticks out 2 inches apart.
Freeze the entire mixture for several hours or overnight.
Remove cake via the parchment paper. Cut the cake into 16 pops using a knife. Run the knife under hot water to cut.
Serve cold to guests.
Copyright 2016 Cooktop Cove