Cooktop Cove: You won't believe these 6 slow cooker recipes have less than 6 ingredients
By Emma Blecker
The amount of ingredients in our slow cooker recipes definitely has an impact on both the preparation time and the budget of our meals—both of which we would of course prefer to keep to a minimum. We are always on the lookout for slow cooker recipes that are not only delicious and simple, but ones that allow our slow cookers to do exactly what they were made for—turn a few fabulous ingredients into a fantastic dinner with minimal effort from our end! These six incredible slow cooker recipes that require six ingredients or less are perfect for low-key family meals every day of the week!
5 ingredients and 5 minutes is really all it takes to produce these tender and juicy Pineapple and Habanero Slow Cooker Pulled Pork sandwiches from Melanie Makes. These stunners are so simple and so delicious, you’ll be left wondering how it took you so long to discover this incredible dish!
Melanie says of her recipe, “I have dreams of serving this Pineapple and Habanero Slow Cooker Pulled Pork for family and friends for July 4th as well as many other gatherings and weeknight dinners in the near future. It’s just too easy and delicious not to enjoy every chance I can work it into our menu!”
Get the full recipe here.
2. SMOKEY BABY BACK RIBS – 4 ingredients
It’s shocking to think that you can produce the most tender, mouth-wateringly delicious ribs in your slow cooker—but what’s even more, that this amazing recipe for Smokey Baby Back Ribs from Shockingly Delicious only calls for four ingredients! Now that is something to celebrate!
A helpful tip from Shockingly Delicious suggests that, “When they’re done, you can put them in the refrigerator to save for another night, if you like (working on dinner ahead of time is highly advised!).”
Get the full recipe here.
3. SLOW COOKER ‘LASAGNA’ – 3 ingredients
Okay, so this may not be a traditional lasagna, but this three ingredient recipe for Slow Cooker Lasagna from Around My Family Table has everything we adore about a fabulous lasagna while only requiring a fraction of the prep time!
Wendy says of her favorite recipe, “I had planned on having this for lunches the following day, but my family ate the entire pot. Apparently it was a huge hit!  This really isn’t lasagna, but it tastes like it. And the recipe is more of a guideline… you can adapt it easily to fit your family’s preferences.”
Get the full recipe here.
Phi is really on to something here with her incredibly satisfying recipe for tangy Mexican Shredded Beef and Beef Tostadas from Sweet Phi. This is one of those dishes that looks complex and unapproachable when it’s served, but secretly only requires 5 ingredients and less than 10 minutes of prep time!
For a fabulous serving suggestion, Phi adds, “All it takes is 5 ingredients to make this amazingly flavorful Mexican shredded beef, and 2.1 seconds after the beef is done you can make beef tostadas because all you do is pile toppings on and you have a super easy meal-hands on time is under 5 minutes!!”
Get the full recipe here.
Just the sound of this recipe for Cranberry Glazed Turkey Meatballs from Savory Nothings is enough to make our mouths collectively water—and the fact that is requires only five ingredients is just music to our ears! These stunning meatballs are as flavorful as they come, and are perfectly paired with creamy mashed potatoes or fluffy rice.
Nora adds, “The best thing is how easy they are to make though. Prep takes 5 minutes, max. And the rest of the work? Gets done by your slow cooker!”
Get the full recipe here.
6. KEY LIME DUMP CAKE – 3 Ingredients
Every slow cooker list is only fully complete with a fantastic dessert, and our low-ingredients list would be remiss not to include this perfect dessert recipe for Key Lime Dump Cake from The Frugal Girls. This three-ingredient sweet treat is the perfect way to end a meal. As Heidi puts it, “It’s the perfect combination of sweet with a bit of lime tang!  Top it off with some whip cream or scoops of vanilla ice cream, and you’ve got a fabulous dessert!”
Get the full recipe here.
TIP: If you want to have a go at making your own key lime pie filling, why not try this amazing recipe from epicurious!
Try these 6 fabulous recipes that require 6 ingredients or less and be sure to SHARE them with your friends!
Copyright 2016 Cooktop Cove