Cooktop Cove: How to make mini corn dogs
By Lindsay Mattison
Mini corn dogs are the perfect dinner party appetizer! When you walk into the room with a platter of cute little battered hot dogs, everyone will be in awe. They'll think they took forever to make, but the recipe really is super simple. Cut regular hot dogs in half to make them smaller or use Lit'l Smokies because they're perfectly bite-sized.
This recipe is the perfect introduction to deep frying because you'll have to individually fry all 24 of the sausages. It's really easy but it will provide lots of practice. Use just enough oil so the corn dogs will be completely submerged. Depending on the size of the Dutch oven, this could be anywhere from 4 to 8 cups.
Mini corn dogs
8 to 12
10 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
24 Lit'l Smokies sausages
24 coffee stir sticks
1 package Jiffy corn muffin mix
1/2 cup flour
1 large egg, beaten
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon salt
Canola oil
Mustard and ketchup
Pat the Lit'l Smokies dry with a paper towel and insert a coffee stir stick (or any small wooden skewer) into each sausage.
In a large bowl, combine the corn muffin mix, flour, egg, milk and salt. Whisk until no more lumps exist in the mixture.
In a large Dutch oven, heat the canola oil over medium-high heat until it reaches 350 degrees F.
Dip each skewered sausage into the batter before carefully placing it in the hot oil.
Cook the corn dog until it is golden brown on all sides, about 5 minutes.
Fry the corn dogs in batches, keeping them warm in a 200 degree F oven while you continue frying the remaining corn dogs.
Serve hot with mustard and ketchup.
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