Cooktop Cove: 7+ Southern upside-down cakes that are sure to be a scrumptious hit
By Holly Antoine
Who doesn't love a delicious, moist slice of cake? Whether you're at a summer picnic or birthday party, a cake is a tasty addition to any meal. So many cake recipes exist that it would be next to impossible to bake them all -- why not consider a Southern cake?
The recipes below feature Southern upside-down cakes you can whip up in your kitchen. Bring them to the next event you attend, or just make one for yourself or your family because they're sure to please.
Southern upside-down pineapple cake
This cake is both kitschy and classic. A topping of sweet, oven-caramelized pineapple rings and bright red maraschino cherries gives it a look that hearkens back to the last century. Nearly 100 years since the first recipe for it was published, you can find any number of modern versions like this recipe.
Southern upside-down banana coconut cake
There's something about cooked bananas that just takes the cake! The sugars caramelize so beautifully and make a lovely counterpoint to sweet, moist cake and toothsome shredded coconut. This recipe is a perfect example.
Southern upside-down caramel pecan apple cake
In a fun twist on the classic pineapple upside-down cake, this recipe turns a kitschy, tropical-flavored dessert into one that captures all the flavors of crisp fall days. With sweet rings of apple and toasted pecans in a caramel sauce that makes itself right in the pan along with the cake, this is sure to be a hit on your dinner table.
Southern upside-down chocolate cake
A moist chocolate cake with a rich fudge frosting sounds like it would take a lot of steps to make, right? But this recipe is like magic. Mix up the cake batter and put it in a cake pan. Sprinkle the topping mixture -- sugar, cocoa powder and hot water -- over the batter and bake. Voila! You end up with two distinct layers -- cake and topping.
Spiced caramelized pear upside-down cake
Most people think of using their slow cooker to make hearty soups and long-simmered stews in their slow cooker, but it’s also a great tool for making desserts. I especially love making upside-down cakes in my slow cooker because the long, slow cook really caramelizes the fruit topping beautifully. Still, like most slow cooker recipes, once you put the ingredients together in the pot, you don’t have to do a thing until it’s finished cooking. Get the recipe here.
Upside-down spiced apple cake
We're accustomed to using our trusty casserole dishes to produce mouthwatering dinners to the delight of the whole family. But sometimes we have the rare opportunity to push the limits of our favorite kitchen dish and see how far it is willing to go to delight our taste buds. This recipe for upside-down spiced apple cake shows off baking at its finest and simplest. Best of all, it can be made directly in your casserole dish!
Slow-cooker pineapple upside-down cake
We all know how easy it is to whip up incredibly delicious meals in the slow cooker. Combine a few ingredients, and before you know it an entire meal awaits you. We've found a dessert that's just as easy as any other slow-cooker dish, and it's perfect for summer. Get the recipe here.
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