Cooktop Cove: 10+ simple tips that help make cooking a breeze
By Marissa Ranello
Cooking products in infomercials cater to average people who are too busy or exhausted to fuss with tasks that take too much time. Take, for example, peeling garlic or buttering toast with cold butter: Why do these tasks have to be so tedious? Forget all those products sold in TV infomercials! Learn how to revive stale bread, peel an eggshell like a pro, cook the tastiest crispy potatoes without oil and so much more with tools that are probably in your kitchen right now.
How to turn ice-cold butter into something soft and spreadable
Spreading cold butter on toast is as challenging as trying to nail gelatin to a wall. The butter knife always seems to pierce the bread, leaving a gaping hole. Here's how to make cold butter soft and spreadable, resulting in a perfectly buttered piece of bread.
This task requires only one kitchen tool, and it's likely in one of the kitchen drawers. The challenge of buttering bread will become a distant memory after using this tip.
How to keep avocado fresh for days
Like apples, avocados quickly turn brown after they've been cut open and exposed to air. Fortunately, there's a way to keep an avocado fresh for days. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, and place the fruit inside a sealed plastic bag with a few slices of red onion.
How to tell if an egg is fresh
Have a carton of eggs with an expiration date approaching? Instead of guessing if eggs are fresh enough to eat, use this tip to test the freshness of an egg. Gently place the egg in a jar of water. If the egg sinks to the bottom, it's fresh. If the egg floats to the top, it's no longer fresh enough to eat.
How to peel hard-boiled eggs
Egg salad and deviled eggs sound appealing to most, until the thought of peeling eggs comes to mind. Eggshells always seem to crack in a million little pieces. The solution: Stop using your fingers to pry all those tiny shells away from the egg.
Instead, put each egg into a Mason jar filled with water and shake. Watch the instructional video below for tips on this easy process for peeling eggs.
How to remove an entire half of an avocado from the skin
Lay the avocado on a cutting board. Cut the fruit in half lengthwise. Twist the two halves apart, then scoop the seed out with a spoon. Slip the spoon between the flesh and the skin of the fruit; glide the spoon around, then lift the flesh away from the skin.
How to get more juice from your orange
Place oranges in the microwave for 20 seconds before squeezing them. Let them cool for about 60 seconds, then manually squeeze them or use a juicer. This tip applies to other citrus fruits as well, such as lemons and grapefruits.
Two different ways to peel garlic and avoid the smell on your hands
Peeling garlic is time-consuming, and it leaves a lingering smell on hands. While purchasing minced or crushed garlic in a jar might seem easier, the aroma and taste just aren't the same as that of fresh garlic.
Have two mixing bowls or a microwave in the kitchen? Watch the instructional video below to learn how to use these items to peel garlic quickly and avoid strong odors on hands.
Crispy potatoes without oil
Wash and cut fresh potatoes into wedges (with or without the peel) and place them in cold water. Bring the water to a boil for five minutes. Drain the water, put the potatoes back in the pot, then add 1 tablespoon of flour. Add additional spices, such as garlic powder, onion powder and paprika. Cover and shake the pot vigorously for one minute. Set the oven to bake at 425 degrees. Place the potatoes on a baking sheet and bake for approximately 20 minutes.
How to whisk eggs properly
Crack eggs directly into a mixing bowl. Use a whisk or fork to beat the egg until the whites and yolks are blended; the eggs should look frothy. If streaks remain, continue whisking the eggs.
How to clean an enamel cast-iron pot
The joys of cooking are abundant, but there's little joy in removing stains and burnt food from an enamel cast-iron pot. Using steel wool or any type of metal isn't advisable; however, in extreme cases, using a stainless-steel sponge to clean stubborn stains might be necessary. Here's how.
Place the pot on a burner and allow it to get very hot. Pour approximately 1 cup of cold water in the pot. Then, follow the directions in the video below to use a long-handled sponge and Magic Eraser to remove the stains.
How to keep your bananas fresh for longer
Most of a banana's offgassing takes place at the stem. Slow down the ripening process of a single banana by separating it from the bunch and wrapping its stem in aluminum foil.
How to revive stale bread
If a loaf of French or Italian bread is left out too long, it will become stale and as hard as a rock. The only way to make the bread edible is to soften it.
Rather than toss a hard loaf of bread in the trash, revive it in the oven using the tips in the video below.
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