Cooktop Cove: Toss some pears in a slow cooker for a delicious and scrumptious treat
By Chris Morgan
Pears are an overlooked fruit. Oranges and apples get all the love, for separate reasons. However, pears are juicy, soft, have a bit of vitamin, and a good amount of fiber. Like many fruits, pears are great in sweet preparations, if you're only willing to give them a chance.
So now that you have your pears, what do you do? We recommend tossing them in a slow cooker to make one of these dishes. If you think pears are soft and tender before getting cooked, imagine how tasty they will be after slowly being prepared while you're free to do other things. Plus, pears are great at absorbing flavors. Here are some recipes to move pears up your fruit hierarchy.
Poached pears
Poaching fruits is a simple way to make a delicious dessert. It's a great way to preserve your pears, and also to infuse them with spices and flavors to boost the taste. Also, pears don't lose their shape when poached, which is great for presentation. Get the tutorial here.
Slow cooker upside down pear cake
Upside down cake is a classic fruit dessert, but rarely is it made with pears. You caramelize the pears for the topping, and there's also a lot of spice added to give the cake some extra flavor. Make this for your next family dinner and folks will go home happy. Get the tutorial here.
Slow cooker pear sauce
Never had pear sauce before? You should amend that right now. It's a smart use of pears that have gotten overripe, not unlike making banana bread with overripe bananas. You can add it to ice cream, yogurt, or anything that you think could be boosted by a cinnamon and pear sauce. Get the recipe here.
Slow cooker pear butter
You've surely had apple butter. Now try pear butter. You only need four ingredients: pears, sugar, ginger, and cinnamon. Throw them all in a slow cooker, and soon enough you'll have a delicious fruit butter. Get the recipe here.
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