Cooktop Cove: Grab your slow cooker and some ground beef. These recipes are top-notch
By Chris Morgan
Ground beef gets a bad wrap sometimes. It's considered "low brow" meat. That's not a fair assessment, though. Ground beef does tend to be a bit cheaper, but that makes it affordable for families or big meals. Plus, if prepared well, it can be as tasty as any other beef dish.
An exceptional way to prepare ground beef is in a slow cooker. Not only does it make the meat tender and juicy, it also infuses it with a ton of flavor. Oh, and it's so easy too! All you need to do is put your ingredients in a slow cooker and wait for the cooking to finish. You can go on with the rest of your life, another thing that makes these recipes perfect for making dinner for your family. The recipes here will help you save time and money, but you won't lose any flavor or satisfaction.
Slow cooker hamburger macaroni casserole
Have you had Hamburger Helper before? Well, what if you could make a delicious version of that at home? This macaroni casserole pairs nicely with hamburger, and all the flavor really grows in the slow cooker. Get the recipe here.
Slow cooker creamy ground beef and shells
A warm, creamy pasta dish is so comforting on a cold winter night. By using a slow cooker, you guarantee that your meat and pasta are both tender and tasty. The sauce packs a flavorful punch as well. Get the recipe here.
Slow cooker Mongolian ground beef
Have you ever gone out for a Mongolian beef dinner? How about making an even better version of it at home? This meal is just like those dinners you've had on a night out, but we bet you'll agree it's tastier and more satisfying. Get the recipe here.
Slow cooker French onion ground beef casserole
French onion isn't just for soup. It provides a ton of flavor to this dish. Everything is infused with a bed of creamy rice, giving it a hearty texture and mouth feel that makes it the quintessential comfort food. Get the recipe here.
Slow cooker Big Mac sloppy joes
There's no sandwich more rustic in a good way than a sloppy joe, and there's arguably no fast food sandwich more iconic than the Big Mac. Now you can combine the best of both worlds, including your own homemade special sauce. Get the recipe here.
Slow cooker classic ground beef goulash
Goulash is a classic comfort food. If you don't have Eastern European heritage, maybe it isn't familiar to you, but it should be. It's simple to make, but the flavor you get will still wow you. Get the recipe here.
Slow cooker easy Korean ground beef
This meal may look simple, but the flavors are far from boring. If you've never had Korean beef, you could be in for a whole new world of flavor. However, you don't need any crazy ingredients, so it's still easy to make. Get the recipe here.
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