Cooktop Cove: You're doing it all wrong. Here's the right way to clean and disinfect your smartphone screen
By Morgan Randall
Like most people, you probably pick up your phone hundreds of times a day. Unfortunately, that also means you’re coming in contact with germs that live on its surface. Just like washing your hands, cleaning your phone is vital to help prevent the spread of disease and protect your health. This quick guide will show you how to safely disinfect your phone in minutes.
Before cleaning your phone, make sure you have the appropriate materials on hand. Manufacturers like Apple generally consider a concentration of 70% isopropyl alcohol safe enough to clean your phone while being tough enough to disinfect it. Instead of wiping the exterior with paper towels, use a soft, lint-free cloth. Cotton swabs and a small, soft brush are also necessary for cleaning out nooks and crannies.
1. Remove phone from case
Dirt and debris can accumulate inside the phone case, so be sure to remove it before cleaning. If your case is made of plastic, silicone or other durable material, wash it with warm, soapy water. Rinse the case, and let it air dry.
2. Wipe with 70% isopropyl alcohol
Power down your phone. Pour a small amount of 70% isopropyl alcohol onto a nonabrasive cloth, then wipe the front and back of the phone. Avoid getting moisture inside the ports or openings.
3. Let air dry
It's important not to turn on your phone if there's a possibility of any moisture inside the ports, so place your device on a cloth, and let it dry completely.
4. Use cotton swabs to clean around speaker grills, earpiece and ports
With a cotton swab, gently wipe the earpiece, ports and various openings around the phone. For hard-to-reach places, cut the swab down to a point, and try to lightly sweep out the dust.
5. Use a small brush to clean out USB-C or Lightning port
Clean the USB-C or Lightning port with a small, soft brush. Be careful not to dislodge any fibers or leave them inside the port. You can use the brush from a phone cleaning kit, an unused makeup brush or a small toothbrush with soft bristles.
6. Use mobile screen wipe on the phone screen
Wipe the screen with a lens cleaning wipe, which is safe to use on glasses or camera lenses as well as phone screens. The wipe helps remove the final layer of gunk and germs.
7. For leftover streaks, use a microfiber cloth
If the alcohol or lens wipes have left streaks on your screen, gently buff them out with a microfiber cloth. Avoid using a cotton towel, as this will leave lint behind, or a paper towel, which is too abrasive and may scratch your screen.
8. Put case back on once everything is dry
Give your case a once-over with the microfiber cloth to make sure everything is dry. Put the case back on your phone, then turn it on. Your device is clean and ready to use!
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