Cooktop Cove: 10 things you should never clean with vinegar
By Morgan Reed
Vinegar, with its acidic punch and natural cleaning prowess, has long been regarded as a household hero in the battle against dirt and grime. Its versatility and eco-friendly appeal have made it a staple in countless cleaning arsenals, offering a budget-friendly alternative to commercial cleaning agents. Yet, like any superhero, vinegar has its limits, and not every surface or stain should fall victim to its potent acidity.
In this article, we unveil a cautionary tale of ten things you should never clean with vinegar. While vinegar may be your trusted sidekick in household hygiene, it's vital to understand when to call in the reinforcements and opt for alternative cleaning solutions. Let's dive into this guide to protect your belongings and ensure vinegar remains a cleaning ally rather than a foe.
Stone Countertops:
Vinegar can damage natural stone surfaces like granite, marble, and limestone. Its acidity can etch the stone and leave dull marks. Instead, use a pH-neutral stone cleaner specifically designed for these surfaces.
Egg Stains:
When it comes to cleaning up egg spills or stains, vinegar is a bad choice. The acidity in vinegar can cause the proteins in eggs to coagulate and make the stain even more challenging to remove. Use warm soapy water instead.
Hardwood Floors:
Vinegar can strip the finish and natural shine from hardwood floors over time. It's best to stick to hardwood floor cleaners recommended by the manufacturer or use a mixture of water and a gentle pH-balanced cleaner.
Iron or Steel Cookware:
Vinegar can react with the metal in your cookware, leading to discoloration and potentially affecting the taste of your food. It's safer to clean these items with warm, soapy water.
Using vinegar on electronics like computer screens, smartphones, and tablets can damage the protective coatings and screens. Opt for specialized electronics cleaning solutions or microfiber cloths instead.
Wax or Varnish-Finished Furniture:
Vinegar can strip the protective wax or varnish from furniture, leaving it looking dull and damaged. Stick to a furniture polish specifically designed for the type of finish on your furniture.
Cast Iron Cookware:
Vinegar can break down the seasoning on cast iron cookware, potentially leading to rust. Instead, clean cast iron with hot water and a brush or scraper, and then re-season it after each use.
Granite or Natural Stone Tiles:
Just like stone countertops, vinegar can harm the surface of granite and other natural stone tiles. To clean these surfaces, use a stone-safe cleaner and warm water.
Silk and Delicate Fabrics:
The acidity in vinegar can weaken delicate fabrics like silk, causing them to become discolored or damaged. Stick to gentle, fabric-specific detergents for washing delicate clothing items.
Dishwashers and Washing Machines:
While vinegar is sometimes recommended for cleaning appliances, using it in dishwashers or washing machines can damage rubber seals and hoses over time. Instead, opt for specialized appliance cleaning products.
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